Are you looking for online GRAMMAR classes for your child!
We bring to you GrammyQuest - Grammar ONLiNE Classes and GrammyQuest Championship exam.
Students of Senior KG to Class 3 are eligible.
Our other online classes include Phonics, Spelling, Word Reading, Vocabulary
and General Knowledge.
GrammyQuest :
What are the Salient aspects of the Grammar Classes
# Any Child from ANY Country can register.
# First LEARN & then TEST process followed.
# All contents by Debashis Pati, author of maximum number of spelling books
(for multiple spell bee exams), a Phonics Teacher Trainer and a Spelling /
Grammar teacher.
# Live classes, not recorded classes
# Sufficient question practice done in the class
# Batch size small to ensure individual attention to each child.
# Grades : Senior KG (1 year before Class 1)
# Duration : 5 months
# Duration of class : Each ONLiNE Class will be for about 40 minutes.
# Class timing - Saturday afternoon India time (IST) between 3:30 p.m. and 4:15 p.m.
# Fee depends upon the child's country of residence.
Total Fee : 16 classes in 5 months at Indian Rupees 2500 or 250 dirham or 100 dollar/ Euro/Pound Sterling
# Fee to be paid in two lots. We will avoid following up on the balance fee payment.
- 1st lot : Before the first month (before first class) Rs 1500 or 150 dirham or 50 dollar/ Euro/Pound Sterling
- 2nd lot : Before the third month (before eighth class) Rs 1000 or 100 dirham or 50 dollar/ Euro/Pound Sterling
- Parents can choose to pay the full payment at the start itself.
# Fee paid is non-refundable.
# GrammyQuest exam conducted at the end only. Certificate given.
Details about the ONLiNE Grammar classes for Sr KG are provided in the following images.
Click on it to view. For any queries do contact us. (whatsapp +91 9820354672
or email
GrammyQuest :
How to Register Now for Grammar Classes
YOU CAN register your child ANY DAY of the year. Registration is open 24x7.
You need confirmation from us about seat availability before you pay.
Please send the following details and attachments to
Do not whatsapp these details requested.
1. Name of child :
3. Class/Grade of child now :
2. School of child :
3. Correspondence address of parent:
4. email ID of parent:
5. Mobile of parent:
6. Attach child's school (or anuyther valid) ID card image
7. Attach payment proof
of 1st lot of fee payment of Rs 1500.
Note: Bank details for making payment-
CURRENT ACCOUNT No 194602000000469
MUMBAI 400076
IFSC CODE : Will be provided on request. Please send request by whatsapp to +91 9820354672
You may choose to use the following link(s) to pay in Indian Rupees, if the child's country of residence is India.
Do note that if you pay using these links, still you need to provide all the above details by email for the child's
registration. Just paying using these links will not lead to automatic registration.
Link for 1st lot payment of Rs 1500 for students in India only
Link for 2nd lot payment of Rs 1000 for students in India only
GrammyQuest :
How to Contact us for Grammar Classes
whatsapp +91 9820354672
You may contact us with your queries for the same.